
Children Development and Gadgets: What Are the Risks

Today, we cannot even imagine our lives without computers and smartphones. Moreover, our children too cannot live without them. They even can hardly imagine that only a few decades ago, in our childhood, a PC was a rare thing to find in households, and the first mobile phones couldn't take photos or connect to the Internet. But times are changing, and today, psychologists and family advisors alarm society with the overuse of gadgets by children.

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All about children's interaction with gadgets


Child and adult content

Today, in a world of rapid digital progress, almost every child has their own smartphone or receives it from their parents for a while. But, at times, the frequent use of a mobile device instead of development in a child leads to dependence.

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Risks for child growth from gadgets

According to research, the use of gadgets such as tablets and smartphones at an early age has negative consequences for the overall development of children under 6 years of age. Let's find out in more detail what danger gadgets pose for the development of children.

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TOP-7 recommendations for dosed use of a smartphone

Mobile phones, smartphones and other devices have become part of our reality. Their presence even in kids today is not a sign of a wealthy family, but rather a commonplace – this is a simple and sure way to ensure the child security, keep the opportunity to stay always in touch, to find out about the kid location at any time... However, apart from the obvious advantages, a smartphone itself has also dangers that must be recognized and be able to warn in time.

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Child phone monitoring - why is it needed?

We have firmly entered the era of gadgets, when a smartphone in the hands of a child no longer surprises anyone. Not only wealthy families, but also parents with modest income equip their kids with the means of communication more often, because when done right, they bring benefits ranging from increased child safety to new opportunities for learning and development. The main difficulty lies in the competent organization of interaction with an electronic toy in order to make a smartphone for a kid a guard and assistant, but not a new source of danger.

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