
Application Installation


Once you have installed the application, run it and register it. To do so:

  1. Select which mode the phone will be used in. Please note that the child mode is only available for Android-based devices. If you own an IOS-based device, your phone can only work in parent mode, which presupposes remote control of the Android group of your children’s devices.
  2. On the entry screen of the application, click the link «registration» at the bottom of the screen.
  3. On the screen «Register» fill in the data, acquaint yourself with the rules of service provision and press the button «register»
  4. In a few minutes check the mailbox you have specified at the registration, you should get the letter with the verification code, copy it or remember it and put in the field «verification code»
  5. Install a reliable security «PIN-code» to ensure that no one but you can enter the application or remove it.

If you have done everything correctly, you are registered in the application. Now it is enough to add devices to your account by entering the login (email) and password you have specified at the registration stage.

Account setting

In the account settings you can enter the device name and change the access settings to the phone data.

Configure permissions when connecting a child’s device to an account.

When configuring a child’s phone, the application will offer you the following permissions:

  1. «Photo». If you want to receive the recently shot photos and pictures taken by the child or saved in the gallery, press the button «enable».   
  2. «Location» and «Geodata». If you want to track the child’s location and set geozones, in case of violation of which you will receive a notification on your phone, press the button «enable».
  3. «Application Monitoring». Activate the application monitoring function for the Parental Control Kroha application, if you want to limit or block applications on the child’s phone, read the step-by-step instruction and press «next».
  4. «Use Applications». Activate access to application usage data and for the correct operation of the Parental Control application, read the step-by-step instruction and press «more».
  5. «Protection from removal», activate the administrator mode for the Parental Control Kroha application. This will not allow the child to remove the application from the device without entering the pin-code. For this read the step-by-step instruction and press «next».
  6. «Applications Notifications». Activate access to application notifications. For this read the step-by-step instruction and press «next».

Application removing

The application can be removed in several ways. You can use one of them.

If Internet is available, the application can be deleted as follows:

- open the "Parental Control Kroha" application on the child’s device;

- click the menu icon on the top right corner;

- click "Delete Parental Control" on the menu that appears;

- confirm the deletion of the application.

You can also remove the application via phone settings:

- open the "Settings" applications;

In the search box, type "Device Administrators" and open this screen;

- this section is blocked by the pin code, enter it and the lock will be switched off for two minutes;

- select the Parental Control Kroha application and disable the administrator mode for it;

- after that you can delete the application as usual by dragging to the trash.

List of devices

On the main screen you can see a list of devices that are currently in child mode and are linked to your account.

If you log into an account from a child’s device, only this device will be on the device list, because only the parent-mode devices can see all the account devices.

List of devices

On the main screen, you can see a list of devices that are currently in the "I am a child" mode and are tied to your account.

If you switch the device to the "I'm a child" mode and go to the main application screen from it, only this device will be in the device list, because only devices in the "I'm a parent" mode can see and control all devices of the account.

Parental Control Kroha applications functions

Select the child’s device from the list on the main screen of the application.

After that you will be on the main menu of control of the device with the list of functions that we will consider in detail.

Phone’s look

If you want to completely block the child’s phone, go to the menu «Phone Blocking» and block all phone applications and functions except for calls. We consciously do not block calls so that in case of emergency the child has the opportunity to do a call. Two types of locks are available:

  1. If you press «Lock the phone according to the schedule», you will see a schedule table to lock. To set the schedule, please turn on the switch in the upper right corner, then click on the locking calendar and set the intervals at which the phone will be locked;
  2. If you press «Phone Lock», the application will offer to confirm the lock and will block the device until the moment of unlocking by the parent. 

Once the phone lock is installed, the lock menu and avatar outline will glow red.

Application blocking and limits setting

If you want to block or limit certain applications on the child’s phone, go to the menu «Application Blocking» and block/limit applications. All applications are classified according to the Google Play Store classification. In the list of categories you can see the total number of applications in the category, the number blocked and the number of restricted applications. Also the category in which there are locks or limits will illuminate in red.

To set a time limit and/or lock, follow the following instructions:

- open application "Parental Control Kroha";

On the main screen, select the child’s device;

- open the "Application Lock" function;

- select the category for which you want to set the limit. You can also create your category and add applications to it;

- click the "Set limit" button;

For each day of the week, set the amount of time that will be available to the child;

- save settings;

- if you want to create a time lock, step back and click on the "Set Schedule" button;

- turn on the switch in the upper right corner;

- set the time when the applications will be blocked;

- save the settings.

Once the restriction is set, the menu «Application Lock» will be marked in red.


In the menu «Contacts» you have the opportunity to manage the child’s phone book, delete or add contacts, monitor statistics of remote and added contacts in recent times.

You can select the menu «Stats» and see the last contacts added and removed by the child

You can choose the menu «All contacts» to manage the child’s phone book

To add a contact click on «+» at the bottom of the screen

To remove a contact, click the "i" icon opposite the contact that you want to delete.


If you want to view the last photos taken by a child or pictures saved in the gallery, go to the menu «View photos». All pictures from the child’s phone are available in viewing mode. If you want to get a high-quality HD image, click on the picture you want to see and click "Send a request to download an HD photo".


Watch the battery charge, the amount of internet traffic consumed and the available memory in the menu «Statistics».


To find out the child’s current location, go to the menu «Location».

In the lower left corner, you will see the date and time when the last coordinates from the child’s phone were received. If the coordinates were received long ago and are no longer up to date, press «Update».

If you want to set the geozone for the child’s phone and get the notification (push-to-notice) if the child leaves it, click on the geozone icon at the bottom of the screen and set the geozone radius, then apply the settings by pressing the button «Install».

If you want to temporarily deactivate the geozone, click switch off/on zone.

If you want to remove the geozone, press «delete the monitoring zone» at the bottom of the screen.

If the child leaves the active monitoring zone, you will receive a push-notification of the alarm on the phone, the icon of the «Locations» menu will illuminate in red and the corresponding indicator will appear in the list of devices.

To disable the alarm, press «Disable the alarm» in the account device list or in the «Location» menu by clicking on the red triangle in the bottom menu.

Device disconnected

You can disconnect the device from your account, and all data obtained about the device will be stored until the account is deleted.

Device removal

 You can remove the device from your account, and you can delete all the data you received earlier.

Messenger history

In the Parental Control Kroha application you can view text messages in messengers installed on your child’s smartphone. For this purpose, go to the section "Messenger History".

Web control

Using our application, you can control the websites that your child visits and block unwanted websites in the section "Web control".

To block a site or category, follow the instructions:

1. Click «Web control» in the main menu;

2. Select the tab Blacklist;

3. Click «+» and enter the URL you want to block, or select the Categories tab, select the category you want to block, and click on the lock icon next to the category name.

Youtube control

Using our application, you can control Youtube videos that your child watches and block unwanted videos and channels for your child in the "Youtube Control" section.

To block a video or channel on Youtube, please open the "Youtube Control" section and click the lock icon next to the video or channel you want to block. Then select the action.

You can also go to the "Blacklist" menu and block the "picture in the picture" mode by switching the whistle.

Eyes protection

In the section "Eye Protection" you can activate the eye protection feature on your child’s device so that the child keeps the phone screen at the right distance from the eyes.

How the "Eye Protection" function works: if the child holds the screen too close to the eyes, then the screen is blocked and a warning is given that the screen is too close. After the child increases the distance between the eyes and the screen, the device screen is unlocked.

Night mode

Use Night Mode to protect the child’s eyes from intense blue light in the evening.

In the section "Night Mode", you can choose the light intensity of the screen, choose the screen tone comfortable for your eyes and set the timer when the "Night Mode" function will be activated.


In the section "Sounds", you can switch on all the sounds at the maximum on the child’s device if, for example, the child is in silent mode and does not hear your call. You can also play a loud sound on a child’s device if, for example, he cannot find his device.