How does the “Phone Lock” function?

To completely lock your child's phone, find the “Phone Lock” menu.  This feature will lock all apps on your child's device except voice calls. The child will always be able to call the parents, but will not be able to use the other apps. 

The parents can use the types of blocks listed below either individually or both at once:

  • Instant lock. All apps are locked upon pressing the button and unlocked manually by pressing the “Unlock” button.

  • Scheduled lock. This feature blocks apps at the required intervals, such as when your child is at school, or asleep. 

To lock the required time intervals, press the lock start cell and drag to the lock end cell. Don't forget to activate the feature in the top right corner by turning on the “Scheduled Phone Lock” toggle. The allocated time cells will be locked.

Whitelist. This feature allows you to select specific apps that you don't want to block. For instance, apps for learning or messengers to allow the child to connect with parents.